Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mandela: An Inspiration for Every Centrist Democrat

Nelson Mandela was a freedom fighter who never gave in to violence.

His fight against apartheid led him to prison but earned the respect of world leaders , artists, freedom fighters, human rights advocates ,and ordinary citizens,around the world. He was a pragmatic politician who never gave up his principles on the process. He became a leader of his nation, giving more freedom to his people.

As one of the Centrist Democrats of this country aspiring to make democracy more cohesive and make every Filipino's life better, I am one with the world in prayers for this great and courageous man as we remember his legacy in fighting for human dignity in peaceful and democratic means.

Rest in Peace, Nelson Mandela. You are one of the few who practiced your politics in principled manner. The life you led as a leader is an inspiration.

The Cagayan de Oro City 1st District of the CDP-Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya  is one with the world in honoring the life of an iconic leader who embodies the principles of a Centrist Democrat.

Lorelyn Turtosa-Dumaug
District Chairwoman
CDP ( 1st District of Cagayan de Oro City)

Friday, November 29, 2013

What Makes a Hero? Do you have what it takes?

What makes a hero? Courage, strength, morality, withstanding adversity? Are these the traits that truly show and create a hero? Is the light truly the source of darkness or vice versa? — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

What made you a hero, Andres Bonifacio? We remember today your 150th birth anniversary and sadly  we are faced with the same realities of inward battles as we struggle for development and free us from the corrupt culture that enslave and plagued this nation that disables true democracy to flourish in this land. 

Will there be few courageous enough of this generation  to think the way one  said , "Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they’ve stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments."?

But in the end heroes are needed for no matter how few they are, they are the moving force , the soul, the identity of a nation, are you gonna be one of the few, my fellow Centrist Democrats?

This is a day for us to awaken the reason that made us do this road less traveled.

Let us continue to be the light and persevere, giving each of our sacrifices for this journey, without forgetting that we need to emerge as happy conquerors against the gigantic  democratic challenges that we are facing today.

Happy holiday and I continue to be one with you all whatever position I hold as a member of this CDP-Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya. As one of its CDM's founding members, I believe that for so long as we continue to remain true to our ideals and aspirations, then we can stay in this endeavor which we hope to make this country truly great!

As your former Secretary General, I would like to thank you all for the support as I exhort you to keep our internal democratic rules, strengthen ourselves in values, for only when we truly are anchored on it can we authentic changers of our beloved country’s political landscape.

Let us strengthen our districts, our regions for they make up what kind of a national political party we are.
Happy 150th Birth Anniversary of our National Hero  and let us continue to be pillars for democracy.

In solidarity with you from my district.

Lorelyn T. Dumaug
District Chairwoman, 1st District Cagayan de Oro City
Former Party Secretary General(Elected September 28, 2012)
Official Term of Office October 15, 2012-November 30, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Centrist Democrats in Northern Mindanao in a Meeting

Sunday, September 1, 2013

CDP Northern Mindanao Coaches Barangay Leaders

The Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) -Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya Northern Mindanao Regional Council successfully held the first three series of its coaching activities to barangay leaders from the region last August 31, 2013 and September 1, 2013 held in the CDP Headquarters in Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City.

Regional Chairman, Renato G. Tibon says the activity is part of the approved strategic activities of the region as it tries to make the party closer to the barangays particularly in its effort to bring about centrist democratic ideals to the people who are at the lowest level of governmental structures- which is aligned to one of CDP's principle on subsidiarity.

The first three series of topics which are expected to be with more subsequent relevant topics to be scheduled includes Barangay Local Governance, Barangay Campaign Management, and Barangay COMELEC Regulations.

The activities went successfully as effort from Regional Council Officers and District Officers were received enthusiastically by the barangay leaders who attended the said talks/forum.

Ms. Mila Z. Abesamis, the Regional Treasurer received feedback from the attendees who told her the topics were relevant and are discussions that they wanted to learn as they serve their respective barangays who mostly hailed from Cagayan de Oro City, Iligan, Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon. 

A registration fee of fifty pesos (P50.00) were collected in each session for the snacks and venue.

The main resource person, Roderico Y. Dumaug, Jr., a Political Science Instructor of Ateneo de Cagayan(Xavier University), and incumbent deputy district chairman of CDP Iligan District, founding president of the Centrist Democratic Movement(CDM) , shared his expertise on said topics  as he collated his 18 years of experience as elected barangay official in Barangay Kiwalan, Iligan City and was awarded in 2007 by the Department of Interior Local Government (DILG) as 1st runner up Barangay Chairman in Northern Mindanao.

If you want to know about the CDP and are interested to become part of building the right institution for Philippine Democracy, please feel free to visit our website at and if you want to know more about it, fill up CDP Membership Application Form .
Officers of the Region/Districts who helped in the successful coaching activities to Barangay leaders.
L to R: Milan V. Dagus (Political Communications Officer-Region); Neneng (one of barangay leaders who attended the activities from Bukidnon); Mila Z. Abesamis(Regional Treasurer); Renato G. Tibon ( Regional Chairman); Lorelyn Galarrita Turtosa-Dumaug(District Chairwoman, 1st District of Cagayan de Oro; CDP National Secretary General); Roderico Y. Dumaug, Jr. (Iligan city Deputy Chairman, Resource Speaker); Edwin Mirabueno, Jr ( Regional Deputy Treasurer- District Treasurer (2nd District of Cagayan de Oro)
Some Officers who helped were not in photo.

Regional Chairman Renato G. Tibon discusses topic on federalism as brief introduction of CDP's subsidiarity .

Roderico Y. Dumaug, Jr the resource speaker discussed on the second day the topics on Campaign Management and COMELEC regulations.

Forum on going.

Talks on going.

Resource Speaker, Roderico Y. Dumaug, Jr. answers queries.

Making a serious discussion on COMELEC regulations light through the powerpoint slides.

The Secretariat, Mila Z. Abesamis(Regional Treasurer); Milan V. Dagus(Regional Political Communications Officer); Edwin Mirabueno, Jr.(Regional Deputy Treasurer-Cagayan de Oro District 2 Treasurer); Tata.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CDP Iligan's August Events

The district of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines(CDP) -Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya has announced its upcoming events on August 2013.

Details of the event shall follow be announced. In collaboration with CDP City Councilor Atty. Manny Salibay and CDP members City Councilors Samuel Huertas and Pisyong Larrazabal, the district of Iligan City plans to hold the following:
1. Seminar on Parliamentary Procedure for Newly Elected City Officials on August 4, 2013.
2. Seminar on Barangay Governance and Campaign Management on August 11, 2013.
3. Forum on Human Rights and Human Security on August 28, 2013.

For more information, email

Cagayan de Oro CDP Districts hold regular BOS

The districts (1 and 2) of Cagayan de Oro City announces that it conducts regular Basic Orientation Seminar (BOS) every Wednesday at 1:00PM and every Saturday at 10:00AM at the CDP Headquarters 12th-20th Sts, Brgy Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City for those who are interested to know about the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP)- Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya.

The BOS is a necessary requirement for membership for anyone interested to take part in nation building through strong and functioning political parties system that bridges the gap between people and government.

The CDP as a political party anchors its value in human dignity. From this value springs the principles of Democracy and Rule of Law, Subsidiariy, Social Market Economy and Political Party Institutionalization.

As a political party it operates with dues-paying members after a BOS had been made in an internal democratic structure and is present at all times during and in-between elections.

To know more about CDP, you are encourage to attend one of these regular BOS Schedules.

If you are not from Cagayan de Oro City, please fill up this form (click the link of the word form) so we may contact where you can get your BOS at your convenient place.

If you are in Cagayan de Oro City, call 850-8353 for more details of the above-mentioned regular BOS.

Visit CDP Website