What makes a hero? Courage, strength, morality, withstanding
adversity? Are these the traits that truly show and create a hero? Is the light
truly the source of darkness or vice versa? — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Will there be few courageous enough of this generation to think the way one said , "Real heroes are men who fall and
fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they’ve stayed true to their
ideals and beliefs and commitments."?
But in the end heroes are needed for no matter how few they
are, they are the moving force , the soul, the identity of a nation, are you
gonna be one of the few, my fellow Centrist Democrats?
This is a day for us to awaken the reason that made us do
this road less traveled.
Let us continue to be the light and persevere, giving each
of our sacrifices for this journey, without forgetting that we need to emerge
as happy conquerors against the gigantic
democratic challenges that we are facing today.
Happy holiday and I continue to be one with you all whatever
position I hold as a member of this CDP-Ang Partido ng Tunay na Demokrasya. As
one of its CDM's founding members, I believe that for so long as we continue to
remain true to our ideals and aspirations, then we can stay in this endeavor
which we hope to make this country truly great!
As your former Secretary General, I would like to thank you
all for the support as I exhort you to keep our internal democratic rules,
strengthen ourselves in values, for only when we truly are anchored on it can
we authentic changers of our beloved country’s political landscape.
Let us strengthen our districts, our regions for they make
up what kind of a national political party we are.
Happy 150th Birth Anniversary of our National
Hero and let us continue to be pillars
for democracy.
In solidarity with you from my district.
Lorelyn T. Dumaug
District Chairwoman, 1st District Cagayan de Oro City
Former Party Secretary General(Elected September 28, 2012)
Official Term of Office October 15, 2012-November 30, 2013